Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Total Wars

Total war, as the name implies, involves the application of all resources (human, military, industrial, agricultural, natural, technological, scientific, or any other) resources of a nation. The purpose of this war is completely defeating the enemy. The total war concept came into use since the nineteenth century, but the conflicts seen today are now known as total war and were already taking place for centuries before. Carl Von Clausewitz is known for been in the military and he is credited with the mentioned concept. Initially, Clausewitz called such conflicts "absolute war" the difference between these concepts is the domain of war on the government and the prospect of victory.
The Napoleonic wars are examples of total war. The background of these wars begin when a French army desertion just faced when monetary resources were not sufficient to sustain the war in the eighteenth century. This was what prompted France to declare total war. Thus, the French government was responsible for finding all the necessary resources, and employed. This as the trait of total war, broke with the everyday life, since the main purpose of the nation was war. This mandatory sense, became reformed with Napoleon Bonaparte, who through total war managed to acquire control of much of continental Europe.
The total wars have been around for a long time, therefore, there are many examples. Later I will detail the most important total wars of the twentieth century, as before mentioned was the bloodiest. Below I enclose you a video of a video game trailer on total wars. Graphically you can see some examples of wars, weapons, army and more which are the main basis of total war you soon!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The War

War is a socio-economic conflict that arises between a group of people or nations. With it the state of peace breaks and vanishes. The objective of war may vary. Controlling human or natural resources or to impose any kind of religion or ideology, or disarmament, and / or destruction of the enemy are among the objectives. In science, politics and international relations, war is a political tool for a state or organization for political purposes.
There are four common types of wars that I will be commenting on this blog; total war, limited war, guerrillas and civil war. Wars include the conflicts that have a nation with another or internal conflicts among the citizens themselves. I’m also going to analyze the twentieth century, which undoubtedly was the bloodiest by the magnitude and persistence of this wars, including a bit of history. On the other hand, the concept of civil wars I will be more open to discuss this topic, because even nowadays there are some.
Overall, the topic of war seems very interesting. For this reason I like to learn and reflect from it. As the quote from Napoleon Bonaparte said: "Whoever does not know history are doomed to repeat it". This reflective quote invites us to learn from the past to know where we want to go in a future. Let’s continue learning about war!

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Welcome! My name is Gloriely SaraĆ­ and I am from Gurabo, Puerto Rico. I’m at my second year in the University of Puerto Rico in Cayey, and in my English class, we were assigned to create a blog. I’m very excited because for this homework. I choose the topic of war. I hope you guys enjoy and that you as a guest feel comfortable with the information that I will upload in my blog named The G.